Saturday, January 30, 2010

... I complain about clam chowder, though

"In New York, Wall Street is Main Street," Paterson told a receptive audience at the Museum of American Finance in December. “You don’t hear anybody in New England complaining about clam chowder. If you say anything about oil in Texas, they’ll string you up near the nearest tree. We need to stand behind the engine of our economy in New York and that engine of economy is Wall Street.” - David Paterson

Andrew Cuomo '10 - Because the guy he's up against can't seriously be saying this shit...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm going to start it up... This guy should be the 45th President of the United States, or at least the Democratic nominee in 2016. So what if I'm thinking ahead?

In Memoriam: Howard Zinn

"You can't be neutral on a moving train"

RIP, Howard Zinn. I'll be reading A People's History of the United States over the summer in your honor (and because my reading it is long overdue).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Passenger

If you're ever surfing the web while bored out of your mind, you might wanna think about watching an Iggy Pop video on YouTube. Despite never selling out stadiums, he has been lauded by many as one of the very best showmen in rock history. At some point during your video, you'll laugh because of Pop's outrageous antics (and how he looked a bit like Stewart from MadTV in the 70's). At other times, you'll wish you were him, a shirtless, rebellious punk rocker oozing with twice the swagger and confidence of Mick Jagger (who himself has twice as much as almost anybody else).

Iggy's song "The Passenger," from his signature Lust for Life album, is getting a lot of playing time on my iTunes this week. You've definitely heard the song before, as it's been in numerous trailers and ads (Anderson Cooper and 30 Days' Morgan Spurlock--famous for Super Size Me--have both used the song for their shows' intros). Just go ahead and click play on the video, and you'll say "Ohhhhh, thaaaaat song..." What's interesting is that it's so simple musically and lyrically, but has such a charm to it. Iggy takes a break from his ultra-caffeinated jams and leaves us with the ultimate road trip song. Check it out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why This Country Needs Rebellion... Part 2 (of a zillion)

Because this guy (on the left) claims he's "a progressive radical".

James O'Keefe, the "filmmaker" recently arrested by the FBI for trying to wiretap one of Sen. Mary Landrieu's offices, has taken on two projects: exposing alleged racism at Planned Parenthood (still trying to come to terms with that one) and unveiling the inner world of ACORN employees.

That's fine James, you keep filming your expeditions and posting them on But don't EVER call yourself a "progressive" (note that your claim of being a radical is too outlandish for me to even mention here), because you clearly are not. Otherwise, you'd be out filming homeless people, hungry people, people without health care, people without jobs, or things that actually matter. There was someone in Planned Parenthood who is a racist, and employees in ACORN who were wacko. They all likely lost their jobs. That's the extent of what your projects did. Upton Sinclar, considered by many an iconic progressive muckraker, flipped the meat industry upside down with The Jungle. You have plenty of catching up to do, sir, but that might have to wait until you leave prison.

Why do we need a rebellion? Because THERE ARE PRACTICALLY NO PROGRESSIVE "RADICALS" LEFT. None of us lefties (myself included) have done much but keep silent through all of the mess this country is going through right now. We've just sat back and watched people like O'Keefe claim to fight for our side.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why This Country Needs Rebellion.... Part 1 (of a zillion)

A McDonald's ......................................... in Guantanamo Bay

The Cubans can't even eat there.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I bet seven dollars you don't know who Elvita Adams is. I didn't until I landed on the wiki page for Empire State Building. But I guarantee this will blow your mind.

On the 2nd of December, 1979, Adams took part in the most mind-boggling, physics-challenging, "Nooo....... really?!?" moment in New York City history. Her life had taken a bad turn, and she decided the world would be best without her. Elvita climbed onto the ledge on the 86th Floor of the Empire State Building and jumped.

At this point in the story, I'm assuming you feel awful. But bear with me here, because this is about to get wonky.

Get this.

Literally the millisecond after she leaves the ledge, a strong gust of wind blows her onto the ledge of the 85th Floor. She jumped anticipating a good minute of falling before hitting the ground a thousand feet later, and ended up moving a net distance of about sixteen feet. Soon enough, the people on the 85th floor were able to pull her back in, and she was taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries (mostly minor).

I'm pitcuring hurricane-like winds and a woman dressed in a spandex flight suit... and I still can't see how that is possible. I'm assuming she stepped right off of the very edge, but even if she did, the ledges themselves are about two feet wide, so it's still seemingly impossible to land safely on them.

Elvita Adams - My "write-in" vote in the NY gubernatorial race this fall.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I just scrapped what I was writing because I received an email from Mr. Mitch Stewart, the head of Organizing for America (obviously, its a mass communication thing). The message starts with these lines:

Martin --

Yesterday's disappointing election results show deep discontent

with the pace of change. I know the OFA community and the

President share that frustration.

Somebody fire Mitch Stewart.

Maybe you don't understand why this guy angers me. Here's an email dated 11/21/09

Martin --

Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn.

It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists.

Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform.

As we approach the final sprint on health reform, we can't afford more deception and delay. We need to be ready for anything -- and have the resources to respond with ads, events, and calls to Congress when the attacks come.

So we're setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies. Please chip in $5 or more to help reach our goal.

If I had a steady source of income, I would give money towards building homes, buying books for children, setting up kitchens, or anything that really has a direct effect on someone else. I'd even donate to campaigns, but small ones that don't already get zillions from large corporations or from our two bloated parties themselves. What I would NEVER EVER do is what Mitch Stewart asked me to do in that email.

Political smearing is ruining our democratic system; by that, I don't suggest that everyone in Congress should, in the words of the great DJ, drink Coke and sing "kumbaya" together, but I'm instead saying that voters in this country are all concerned about unimportant CRAP. We are made to be concerned about what left says about right (and vice versa). Some of us watch Keith Olbermann (but most don't, because some incarnation of a dancing program with has-beens is on at the same time) and laugh when he disses Bill O'Reilly, and others will listen to Glenn Beck and his modern day McCarthy-ist agenda try to sniff out the people in the government who may be "socialist" and "leftist." I've found that political games like this get NOTHING DONE, and just keep a system of ineffeciency running. For Stewart, who was chosen by Obama himself to lead OFA, this call for funds is an inexcusable and disgusting example of exactly what I have detailed, and a blatant violation of what Obama promised during his campaign.

Here is how you fight against Sarah Palin: you prove her wrong. If I were to give you money, Mr. Mitchell, for you to go back and argue how Sarah Palin is lying, then my money hasn't done anything at all to further health care refrom and I've helped keep the bickering alive. Instead, you should leave her alone and get to the real problem. Sure, the public image of the Democrats may take a hit after Palin creates a web of distorted facts with limited response, but just imagine how much that image would soar if legislation was actually passed, and the things the former governor scared Americans into believing never happened. Imagine if it all actually worked?

Which brings me to the first email. To be frank, this health debate should be over. It started in June. It's January... 2010, and it may very well continue until February or (you better believe it) even March. Yet Mitchell believes the reason Scott Brown pulled out a victory in yesterday's runoff election is the "pace of change," and how America is "discontent" with it.

I'm discontent with this pace. This should have been done at least a month ago. This is entirely too slow.

But it would seem my friend Mitchy thinks this whole thing has been moving too fast. This is pathetic. Scott Brown's victory is putting what has turned into a half-year process in jeopardy, and the way he responds is "Oh... maybe we've been going too fast... let's slow down." As if it wasn't how drawn out this whole thing has been that has made more and more people skeptical.

This dismissive response to the election being a wake-up call has echoed through Obama's team, from David Axelrod to Robert Gibbs, and it's starting to make me angry. Why is this adminstration so soft all of a sudden? We tried bipartisanship for a while and it FAILED. Republicans decided to stand against whatever the Democrat majority (and formerly, the Democratic filibuster buster) put forth, even if they had no other plan. That should have meant "plan B"... twisting arms. Joe Lieberman decides he's going to succumb to the interests of the Hartford insurance companies? Fine, but he's doing that under an Obama adminstration and a blue Congress, so we'll threaten to take his chairmanship for the Homeland Security Committee. If doing these things means getting a health bill on the table and ready to go as soon as possible, than it's all worth it. Better yet, let's take Anthony Weiner's suggestion seriously; if we're left a few votes short of blocking a filibuster (log on to Jonathan Tasini's website, btw, and sign the petition to end the thing altogether), then we'll filibuster them. Put the Republicans who have been denying any attempt to improve health care into the spotlight and make them explain their plans for the country. This is what should have been happening since November. Instead, the Obama adminstration has tried the same methods of rallying support since day one, and because they have not increased their aggression, they have let the debate extend far beyond where it should have ended and have now lost their "magic" 60 (you conservative Dems will get your own entry, don't worry). I haven't abandoned faith in Obama, and I still think he can pull this whole thing off, but he needs to be a bit more assertive especially since the situation has changed. This election was a wake up call for him in this regard, and he needs to acknowledge it, something his team has not yet done.

And he needs to tell Mitch Stewart to stop sending me this junk mail.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm gonna get right to it...

I'm the kind of person who looks waaay ahead to upcoming holidays. For example, the first Christmas songs start playing from my iHome towards the end of October (just for a day or two, then they go away until mid- November).

So you may be wondering what's left to look forward to now that it's January. Well, there's MLK day tomorrow (YEAH, UP YOURS JESSE HELMS). And then there's St. Patrick's Day.

It's a fierce duel between New Year's and St. Patrick's Day for the greatest "don't give a shit what's supposed to happen the next day because tonight I'm going all out" day of the year, but in the end, St. Patrick's takes the cake. It's wonderful to sing "Auld Sang Lyne" (download the Guy Lombardo version, it's incredible) while watching Dick Clark fuck up the countdown (poor bastard), but on St. Patrick's, you get the corned beef n' cabbage, the people wearing collared soccer jerseys who talk cooler than you and make better jokes than you, and you get the MUSIC.

For everyone who read that and yelled "DROPKICK MURPHYS," that's great, because I'm a fan. But this year, we have to pay tribute to this man:

This is the year of the one-and-only Shane MacGowan. It's the first year in the past three decades he'll be able to bite through his corned beef, because after years of having the most unfortunately horrid set of chompers (that is, before they fell out and he was left with less than a handful), this man has a brand new smile. Google Image it. Not only that, but there's a new show on Ireland's RTE that, by it's premise, sounds like the GREATEST SHOW EVER MADE. "Victoria and Shane Grow Their Own" is a reality show in which MacGowan and his girlfriend grow their own garden, where they plant the food that they hope will end up on the dinner table. It's an outrage that the program hasn't made its way across the Atlantic and into our hopeless, diabolically awful cycle of reality television, because I'd rather watch a man who has shocked millions by simply still being alive talk about celery than anything on VH1 or E!. The best possible solution is to take the apocalyptic failure that is "The Jay Leno Show" off the TV for the remainder of this earth's existence, and to replace it with none other than "Victoria and Shane." NBC is all about being "green" (regardless of the fact that they are still owned by G.E. for the next few months), so why not replace an egomaniac who has not touched a vegetable in years with a show entirely about legumes and salad greens? To me, there's no debate here.

So even though many of you will not be looking forward to St. Patrick's Day for another while, I hope that when you do, a Pogues song makes its way onto your playlist.

And eat your goddam brussel sprouts.