Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why This Country Needs Rebellion... Part 2 (of a zillion)

Because this guy (on the left) claims he's "a progressive radical".

James O'Keefe, the "filmmaker" recently arrested by the FBI for trying to wiretap one of Sen. Mary Landrieu's offices, has taken on two projects: exposing alleged racism at Planned Parenthood (still trying to come to terms with that one) and unveiling the inner world of ACORN employees.

That's fine James, you keep filming your expeditions and posting them on biggovernment.com. But don't EVER call yourself a "progressive" (note that your claim of being a radical is too outlandish for me to even mention here), because you clearly are not. Otherwise, you'd be out filming homeless people, hungry people, people without health care, people without jobs, or things that actually matter. There was someone in Planned Parenthood who is a racist, and employees in ACORN who were wacko. They all likely lost their jobs. That's the extent of what your projects did. Upton Sinclar, considered by many an iconic progressive muckraker, flipped the meat industry upside down with The Jungle. You have plenty of catching up to do, sir, but that might have to wait until you leave prison.

Why do we need a rebellion? Because THERE ARE PRACTICALLY NO PROGRESSIVE "RADICALS" LEFT. None of us lefties (myself included) have done much but keep silent through all of the mess this country is going through right now. We've just sat back and watched people like O'Keefe claim to fight for our side.

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