"While the census is very important to AZ, we shouldn’t be wasting $2.5 million taxpayer dollars to compete with ads for Doritos!," McCain said via Twitter.
"The census happens every 10 years. Everybody knows it happens," McCain said, before questioning why the government would spend millions on a commercial when families across America are tightening their belts. "It's shameful."
Get your head out of the sand, Mr. McCain, and look at the stats. The poorest communities in this country have the lowest census return rate out of anybody, and they need government funding the most. Maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible thing to use the most televised event of the year to ensure that the public is aware of the census. Maybe, Mr. Mcain, it might be helpful to air one less ad for Doritos or Pepsi or Budweiser, things that are fattening up our nation's youth (Budweiser absolutely included - let's just say adults may not be the age group Anheuser-Busch targets most), and substitute it with a 30 second spot about a very important event for all US citizens. Just because, from your political record, you'd rather see obscene chunks of taxpayer money go towards defense and the military than to local projects and initiatives doesn't mean you just slam the government for every penny they spend otherwise.
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